Coins from various countries I've been to and forgot to spend (Italian
coins, Swiss coins, English coins, and one French coin)
Toys that I think are nice looking (Middle Earth,
-Monster Scenes (Not sure if these are the actual names)
Dr. Frankenstein I
Dr. Frankenstein II
The Mummy
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Phantom of the Opera
Frodo Baggins
Gandaf the Grey
Manga Freak
Manga Spawn
"Knight guy" (Can't remember
his name)
Black Knight Spawn
The Ogre
The Wizard
"Bat Spawn" (Again, can't
remember the proper name)
"Armor Spawn" (Say it with
me "I can't remember it's name)
"Centaur Guy" (Once more,
with feeling)
Dark Knight Spawn
"Torturer guy with Multi-heads"
Mandarin Spawn
Re-animated Spawn
Techno Spawn
The Necromancer
The Freak
Jesse Custer
The Saint of Killers
A crapload of Star Wars ones (Two Vaders, Three
Obi-Wans, about fifteen stormtroopers, Four C-3PO's, etc etc..actually
in a box on my floor.. *Shrug*)
Scott Evil
The Headless Horseman
Ichabod Crane
Ash... Housewares (Army of Darkness toy)
Silent Bob
Queen Alien
.. some kinda Alien thing
Another kind of Alien.. that explodes
Omega Boost robot thing
Hopi?Navajo indian guy playing a flute
Miniatures in lead of warriors, knights, mages, etc etc. Used
in AD&D games
Little Dragon statue things
A Globe of the world (With a smaller globe of the Moon hanging from
the ceiling nearby, and a Mars globe hanging across
the room)
My cup of Movie stubs I've kept since Star Wars was re-released
A few things I made in various Art Classes (An ?Interdimesional? Portal,
A face emerging from a brick wall.. titled "Portal" and "The Barroom Fight"
A Bobbin' Head statue of a The Cardinal's Mascot my Brother got me
many many years ago
A little boy angel I've had for years
A piece of what appears to be Corral
A Dragonlance card that depicts an Astral Dragon
A pin that's in the shape of a hand doing the Vulcan Salute thing still
in it's case thing
A pencil with a clear section full of rocks.. (Called Your Own Rock
Collection or something stupid like that)
A small rectangle of wood (About 3" by 5"by 1") with a painting of
a little duckling
Assorted Statue Plastic toy animals things (Including three wooden
dogs my former preacher carved for the entire youth
group... all seven of us or something.. Yes, we each got three; a small
tiger, a hippo, an alien pen highlighter
thing, a lion, a "set" of three stature things of a T-rex-ese creature
hatching, juvenile, and adult stages, and a
bird hatching)
A bottle of water from a fountain in Italy
Some italian jelly... (Don't ask me why I have it, I don't know either)
A bottle filled with multicoloured sand in layers (Woooo)
An Eric Davis toy statue thing... (Again, I don't know why I have it,
I just do.. I think I got it as a birthday present.. Like I care
about sports... I don't even know what team he plays for.. And I assume
he plays Baseball by the bat in his
hands... But I could be mistaken..)
An empty bottle of Absolut Vodka