Pat Robertson is insane.  Completely mad and loony.  I'm amazed he isn't wearing a aluminum foil hat to keep the alien brain waves out.
The only purpose life has is what you give it
There is no such thing as original.  Everything has existed before
Think for a moment about just how bad things have been going lately- You Are Worthless
Women are uptight, Men are jerks -  You Are Worthless
The universe and computer programmers are eternally at odds.  One strives to create  idiot-proof programs, the other to make bigger idiots.  So far, the universe is winning.
Want to stop abortion?  Don't kill the doctors, they're just doing their jobs.  Kill the mothers - Paraphrase of something I heard on the telly
"It is nothing" Franz Ferdinand's last words
200 hundred years from now, no one will care about how you spent your day to day life... have fun
Time is a steady river, unstoppable, uncontrollable.  Therefore, in normal life, time is irrelevant.
"It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedoms, okay.  Keep that in mind at all times." -Bill Hicks
"The first half of life consists of the capacity to enjoy without the chance; the last half consists of the chance without the
capacity."Mark Twain
"A long dispute means that both parties are wrong" Voltaire
Only enemies speak the truth.  Friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught  in the web of duty.  -Stephen King; The Gunslinger
A nice sledge'll make a head pop just like a mellon
"A german bullet is cleaner than a french whore"-WWII Army poster
"One World. One Web. One Program." - Recent Microsoft advertising slogan.
"Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuehrer." - Adolf Hitler
"If you're so Pro-Life, do me a favour; don't lock arms and block medical clinics, Lock arms, and block cemeteries" Bill Hicks
"Everything makes sense, if you just put on the right glasses" Bill Hicks
Appearance is both a disguise and a window to the inner self
"I believe in the brotherhood of all men, but I don't believe in wasting brotherhood on anyone who doesn't want to practice it with me.  Brotherhood is a two-way street."  Malcolm X
Build a better mantrap and the rats'll beat a path to your door  (Clutch)
In every man's  life there comes a time to clean up his own back yard
Trust in me and fall as well  (Tool)
now doesn't that make you feel better?   (Nine Inch Nails)
"Life is just one damned thing after another" Frank Ward O'Malley
"Sire, it's not a Revolt, It is a Revolution" Duc Del La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt to Louis XVI, July, 1789
"Religion is the Opiate of the Masses" Karl Marx
Don't be different like everyone else... Conform for a change...
Anger is a gift (rage against the machine )
Look at the world.  See the wires.  See the lines.  See the tech.  Know you can never be truly alone.  And weep
Subtlety should be clearer
Every man is born and every man lives...but does every man know the difference?
What you see and what I see will never be the same
What once was will be again
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo
Happiness is slavery (NINish)
Don't be a boy just 'cause she's a girl (Sonic Youth)
I have seen the Light!  There is no God!
on your head for a hat
"A little less love, a little more common decency" Kurt Vonnegut
Prevent overpopulation in your lifetime, kill yourself.
Pain is nothing but a reminder that you are still alive
An Alpha is an Alpha and a Beta is a Beta and ne'er the two shall breed
I can take my own Acid Bath
The Church of God The Utterly Indifferent (Kurt Vonnegut)